I am getting excited. May 2010 has been insanely busy for me, and I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of Memorial Day weekend, which kicks off a nice two week long vacation for me. Unlike many people who take vacation, I look forward to staying at home and doing things around the house—especially gardening. I haven't had a lot of time to devote to my gardens yet and I am really itchy to get out there and do some major stuff!
This week we got our hot peppers into their larger containers and they're outside enjoying the very warm weather we've been having this week. Into the 80s during the day and the 60s at night. Just what peppers really love. My poor butterfly bushes are still in a holding pattern sitting in pots, and I really hope to get them in the ground this weekend.
In the meantime, I'd like to share a few photos I've taken in the past few weeks.
Violets! These came with the house, but I now also have four other varieties.
Here's what the little corner in the backyard looked like a few weeks back. You wouldn't believe how much the plants have filled in since then! I was shocked.
The shade garden abutting the back of the house. Solomon's seal just starting to unfold, plus a mystery plant. Can anyone help ID the one with the pretty blue flowers? They're lasting forever! The flowers look similar to forget-me-not, but the foliage is totally different. ANSWER (I think!): Omphalodes cappadocica, or Navelwort. Neat!
And the Bridal Wreath Spirea is performing the best it has in the three years we've known it. Just gorgeous.
19 hours ago
So beautiful! I too love Bridal Wreath! Such a care-free bush that produces those beautiful delicate white flowers. I have them growing in the back of the Peony garden. For information on Peony's (and in particular) Roses, look here: http://www.allaboutrosegardening.com There are plenty of pictures too!